The management have just concluded a meeting and here is how we have voted to proceed.
SIBC will be closed to members from Thursday for the period of National Lockdown.
Essential projects and island maintenance will continue subject to proceeding in a Covid secure manner. i.e. Wearing of PPE.
With the approach of potentially bad weather and to support Sarah we will have management inspections of the island and particularly the boats. These inspections will be carried out by members of the management committe who live in Doncaster. If anything of concern is spotted the boat owner will be contacted immediately.
Electricity and diesel will be available from today until Wednesday. This should be booked in the normal manner directly with Sarah Harris on 07871731480.
No sales will take place after Wednesday, However, should the lockdown be further extended management will re-visit this.
Clearly any closure of the island is the last thing we want to impose but for the safety of everyone it is essential we comply with government rules.
It's not a pleasant task to (once again) have to undertake but I'm sure everyone will comply and I would like to thank all the membership in advance for your support and understanding.
Stay safe.
Paul Mellors
On Behalf Of he Management Committee