DIESEL: Is now on sale. This can be obtained by pre-booking a time with Donald Musgrave. Payment for diesel will work in the same way as electricity. Bank Transfer or cheque to Peter Harbon.
RALLY: With great regret we have decided to cancel this year's rally. For the rally to continue in a successful manner we need a large footfall but this is not in keeping with Covid-19 precautions and our members safety must remain paramount.
50th Celebration: Whilst we can't make too many decisions at this time the plan is to hold the 50th Celebration on September 12th. This will most likely be an event where members bring and eat their own food (not a member's buffet) and bring their own drinks. Held outside, down the island with the planned 50th presentations and entertainmenet. Not a large scale as originally planned but the management committee feel it is important to hold a celebration this year.
CLUB REFURB: Due to potential (temporary) measures that may be necessary to implement for the club's re-opening we have decided to put the refurb on hold at present. We don't want to spend time and money on anything that could potentially have to be re-done.
ROAD: Will the refurb on hold, we have decided to push on with the road and a sub committee has been formed and will meet this weekend to forward this.